How much does a IBM Data Center Technician make?

ibm data center technician salary

A Data Center Technician at IBM earns an average of $60,447, ranging from $51,608 at the 25th percentile to $67,923 at the 75th percentile, with top earners (the top 10%) earning more than $76,861. Compensation is derived from fewer than 20 profiles, including base salary, equity and bonus.
What skills do you need at IBM as a(n) Data Center Technician?
Do you meet the bar? Data Center Technicians at IBM tend to know the following skills. Check out individual skills to view our evaluations and insights, along with similar skills and a number of skill building learning opportunities to expand your own potential.
What degrees do IBM Data Center Technicians hold?
There are 9 times more applicants with a Undisclosed Degree than those with a Bachelor's Degree90% of applicants have a Undisclosed Degree. 12% have a Bachelor's Degree.
How long have IBM Data Center Technicians worked?
90% employees have 0 to 2 years of experience. 10% have 10 to 20 years of experience.

  • Troubleshoot for network, hardware and software problems.
  • Maintain hardware and software inventory and maintenance logs.
  • Adhere to and update documentation and user guides.
  • Support users and escalate problems to ensure customer service.
  • Set up, fix, maintain and patch technology in the data center.


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