entry level help desk salary

 entry level help desk salary

Every year I like to ask my tax accountant: What’s the least amount I can pay myself in salary and bonus before the IRS comes knocking? Every year, he comes up with a slightly different answer because he observes the IRS focus on different type of situations to audit.

You might ask yourself, why I would want to be paid the least amount possible by my business? The answer lies in the self-employment tax (FICA + dicare). As a S-Corp business owner, I’ve got to pay the employee’s and employer’s portion of the self-employment tax on salary. This equates to a 15.3% tax (12.4% for Social Security tax + 2.9% for Medicare tax = 15.3%). If you’re an employee, you only pay 6.2% Social Security tax and 1.45% tax for Medicare. Spend some time looking at your pay stub next time and marvel!

Social Security taxes are applied to income up to $132,900 for 2019. This income limit goes up by around 2% a year on average.There is no income limit to the Medicare tax, and there’s actually an extra 0.9% Medicare tax if you make over $200,000. The maximum Social Security tax for a self-employed individual is therefore $20,334 in 219.Meanwhile, any money left over after operating expenses, retirement contribution, and salary may be paid out in the form of a distribution. Distribution pays 0% self-employment tax.


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