how much does a computer engineer make


 how much does a computer engineer make

While there are many different jobs within the field of computer engineering, there are several commonalities among them that make it an excellent choice for the right person. The benefits of computer engineering as a career include great pay, job security and an environment of change and innovation.

Great Income

Computer and information technology positions pay extremely well. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated a median income of $84,580 for these positions in 2017, which is more than double the national average. However, this figure includes positions like web development and computer support technicians, which don't usually require a degree in computer engineering. Those with a bachelor's degree, such as network architects, programmers, systems analysts, software developers and hardware engineers saw median incomes between $82,000 and $104,000 in the same year. Computer hardware engineers had a median income of $115,120, with the top 10 percent earning over $176,900. Computer and information research scientists, who typically hold a master's degree, earned a median salary of $114,520.

Job Security

Most computer engineers have tremendous job security compared to other professions. These jobs have been in demand for over 20 years, and there is no sign that this will slow down in the near future.

On average, the job growth rate for all jobs in the United States over the next 10 years is about 5 percent, as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2016. The job growth anticipated for software developers is 24 percent. Information security analyst positions should grow by about 28 percent. Of course there won't be the same frantic demand for all computer engineering positions. Some jobs, such as computer hardware engineering and network architects will only keep pace with the average, at about 5 percent.

Freedom of Travel

Anyone with a track record as a computer engineer can basically choose to live wherever he wants, within some limits. Silicon Valley is a great choice for anyone with a taste for the California lifestyle. However, just about every major city in the world has a need for computer engineers. Manufacturers who are making internet-connected cars and appliances are always looking for computer engineers. The same is true for most large companies that have their own in-staff engineers managing their computer networks and databases.

If you really enjoy traveling, you may want to consider a career as a consultant, with a specialized skill, such as information security. These consultants help companies ensure that their data is protected from cyber attacks. You can literally fly in, work for a company for a few months, and then fly off to another destination when the project is done.

Constant Innovation

Because computers and technology are constantly changing, and standards are constantly being updated, most people who work in this field, must keep learning to make certain that their skills don't become outdated. For example, if you're a security analyst, if you knew five years ago how to stop hackers, then that knowledge would be insufficient in today's world to protect a website. You would need to be apprised of every hardware and software update, as well as of the emerging technologies and their vulnerabilities, so that you'd be good at what you do. This is a wonderful benefit for anyone who likes to be mentally stimulated.

Not for Everyone

Like most professions, computer engineering isn't a career that everyone will like, and it does have its drawbacks. If you don't enjoy learning, and keeping your skills up-to-date, for example, then an environment in which constant innovation is a constant, would not be a benefit at all. The jobs are often quite sedentary, requiring you to sit at a desk for several hours at a time. If you become an expert in your specialty, it can sometimes be difficult to take direction from managers who aren't as proficient as you are. However, if you believe the pros outweigh the cons, then this is likely a great career choice for you.



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