what is an a+

 what is an a+

A+ (90% and above): Outstanding work that demonstrates independent thought and critical reflection and has an excellent research question as well as systematic and persuasive answers to this question. Work demonstrates complete command of the subject, subtlety of interpretation, exceptional critical evaluation of current research and considerable originality. By using appropriate methodology, methods and data sources, the paper provides strong evidence in support of the key claim(s) put forward by the student. Such work is exceptionally well written and presented, with faultless grammar and style. The arguments developed are strong enough to be considered for publication in a peer-reviewed outlet and eligible for prizes, including those awarded by GSPIA. A (85-89%): Work shows a considerable amount of critical thought and independence, a capacity to analyze and synthesize, solid organization, evidence of extensive knowledge base with systematically listed sources and a superior grasp of the subject matter. Work also has very a good research question and develops strong arguments in answering it. This paper surpasses work placed in the A– category in several areas, such as originality, subtlety of interpretation, power of critical analysis, critical evaluation of current research and understanding of research methodology, methods and data. Such work is written and presented to high academic standards and can possibly be published with some revisions. A– (80-84%): Driven by a very good research question, the arguments in this paper are sound and convincing, with evidence of a strong grasp of the subject matter, of solid critical thought and analytic ability and of a very good understanding of the related issues. This paper also shows an awareness of methodological issues and demonstrates an extensive familiarity with the literature. There is clear evidence of independent thought and originality of approach. Examples, empirical illustrations and supporting evidence are valid, reliable and used appropriately while demonstrating clarity and coherence of argumentation and focus on relevant data. The paper does not demonstrate these characteristics as consistently as in the A category. This work is written and presented to very good academic standards. B+ (75-79%): Work of this standard is competent and methodical, indicating a clear understanding of the topic and an ability to critically engage with the debates in the field of inquiry. A good research question is presented and answered in the paper. The main arguments are clear and examples as well as supporting evidence are used appropriately. The work is of weaker quality than that in the A category and displays less originality. The structure of the MRP is generally sound, with good organization of ideas, clarity and coherence of exposition and coherent introduction and conclusions. Sources are appropriate, even if their use is not as systematic as work in the categories above. The paper shows analytical power, albeit not as consistently as work in the A- category. The paper is written and presented to good academic standards and is free of major grammatical and syntactic errors.

For more: what is an a+


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